May 8, 2024
Benefits of Home Humidifiers in Anoka, MN

The winters in Anoka, MN are characterized by low temperatures that go below freezing. Cold air cannot hold moisture because it condenses into water. Even with the use of heating systems to warm the house, the indoor air moisture condenses once in contact with cold surfaces such as the exterior walls and windows. This contributes to the dry winter air, which can affect your health and comfort. Fortunately, you can use a humidifier to reduce the problems caused by low humidity levels. Here are three main types of whole-home humidifiers and key benefits of having one at your Anoka, MN home.

1. Understanding Humidifiers

The ideal humidity range for your home is 40% to 60%. This amount can either increase or decrease depending on the temperature and air pressure. In the past, people used traditional means, including boiling water in a pan or hanging wet towels near a heating vent, to increase air moisture. Nowadays, there are whole-home humidifiers that you can use to improve indoor humidity. Here are three types of whole-home humidifiers you can control through a thermostat for comfortable indoor humidity levels.

1. By-Pass Humidifiers

This type relies on the hot air flowing through the HVAC unit. They are installed in a cutout opening on the return section of the air handler or heating system so some air is diverted into the humidifier. Normally, the installation side, whether the supply or return, is determined by space requirements and manual specifications. Water flows on a wicking evaporative filter. The hot air causes the water to evaporate and carries it back to the central duct. There is a round, flexible 6-inch duct that’s connected to the humidifier, which carries the moist air to the central duct.

Bypass humidifiers may sometimes create challenges. If too much hot supply air travels through the duct, it will mix with the warm return air and can cause the furnace’s high-limit switch to trip. To reduce the possibility of the switch flipping constantly, you can increase the blower motor speed. Some thermostats can automatically increase the cubic feet per minute (CFM) by modulating the blower motors when the heating system has a bypass humidifier. Bypass humidifiers operate quietly and are suitable for small and midsized homes.

2. Steam Humidifiers

This is a more independent whole-home humidifier because it relies on electricity to boil water and generate steam. The heating element is located inside a canister that’s filled with water. The generated steam is pushed into a thick rubber hose and then distributed into your home through your ductwork. Since they boil water, they can regulate your indoor humidity even when your HVAC system is turned off. Additionally, they are faster and more efficient and can contribute to air purification. However, they may be more expensive than bypass humidifiers since they have extra components and require a standalone circuit breaker. Steam humidifiers are ideal for large homes.

3. Fan-Powered Humidifiers

A fan-powered humidifier has its own fan that distributes moist air through the HVAC ductwork. They are often installed on the supply duct of your heating system. There is a flow-through evaporative filter next to the fan, which should be replaced regularly to maintain the humidifier’s effectiveness. The fans push air through a water panel, where the stream absorbs the humidity and distributes it throughout the house. Through this process, they can distribute more moisture than bypass humidifiers and can produce one more gallon of humidity per day. Since they use a fan, these humidifiers can be noisy. They are ideal for use in medium to large homes.

Benefits of Using Whole Home Humidifiers in Anoka, MN

Low humidity has several negative effects on your health and property. By adding a whole-home humidifier, you can use your thermostat to adjust your indoor humidity to comfortable levels. Here are five benefits of investing in a whole-home humidifier.

1. Prevent Discomfort

Lack of air moisture can force your body to lose more water to the environment. This can dry out your nasal passages and result in irritated skin, eyes, and mouth. The skin can also feel dry, flaky, and easily irritated. The problem is worse for individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema. You need a humidifier to add moisture because it can help clear your sinuses and moisturize your nasal passages for improved breathing.

When your sinuses and nasal passages are dry, you are more susceptible to sinus infections and discomfort. You may also have irritated vocal cords, which cause scratchiness or a sore throat, especially in the morning. With proper humidity levels, you can feel more comfortable because all your body parts are comfortably moisturized.

2. Reduce Utility Bills

Humid air feels warmer, so you may be able to lower your thermostat a few degrees while still feeling comfortable. This is because moist air retains heat better, which can translate into heating bill savings. Also, some humidifiers may increase home warmth. This can happen when the air stream is warmed as it collects water vapor. Additionally, reduced reliance on the heating unit can lead to less wear and tear on the components. This reduces the need for frequent repair and can delay system replacement.

3. Protect Properties

Very low humidity causes wood properties like furniture and musical instruments to shrink and crack. This happens when the environment draws water from the in-home structures. Due to the dryness, you can notice your musical instruments falling out of tune. Hardwood floors can also be affected, and you will notice increased creaking due to the gaps formed when the material shrinks.

Leather properties can also be damaged. Leather has pores that allow moisture to flow in to retain the texture. When dry, leather will crack and lose its aesthetic appearance. Other home paper possessions like photos, posters, and books can become brittle. Adding an ideal level of moisture preserves your properties by allowing them to retain its natural moisture levels.

4. Prevent Static Electricity

Dry air can increase static electricity, and you can notice it by feeling a zap when you touch a doorknob. This energy can damage electric appliances. It is created when there is an imbalance between negative and positive conductors. When there are proper humidity levels, the air moisture acts as an electric conductor and transmits the energy to the ground so it is not transmitted through conductors.

5. Healthier Air

Viruses and bacteria spread more easily in dry air. If one family member is sick, they can introduce the bacteria or virus into the air by breathing, coughing, or sneezing. In moist air, the pathogen has restricted movement because it can get trapped in a moisture droplet. Adding moisture with a humidifier may help prevent colds, flu, and other illnesses from occurring.

A whole-home humidifier installed with your HVAC system will distribute the ideal humidity throughout your Anoka home. For proper operation and efficiency, it is vital to hire our professionals at Liberty Comfort Systems for the installation. We provide heating and cooling services throughout Anoka, MN. We also have a team of qualified electricians and plumbers. Contact us today at Liberty Comfort Systems for indoor air quality!

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