Needing to utilize a device or an appliance in the moment only to find the outlet you plug it into not working can be a frustrating experience. This is especially true if you do not have enough outlets in your home to leave you with any alternatives in close enough proximity to where you need one. There are a lot of potential reasons why your outlet might not be working, and, to be safe, it is best to have the root reason identified and rectified by a professional.
Potential Reasons Why an Outlet Is Not Working
A Blown Fuse
One of the most common reasons that you may find an outlet not working is that a fuse has been blown. Many homes have had fuse panels replaced with the more modern panels that utilize circuit breakers, but not all. If your home’s electricity still functions by means of a fuse panel, you could experience a blown fuse. A fuse consists of a wire that is encased by a glass tube.
Some conditions can cause a fuse to overheat and even melt:
- Overload due to too much current
- Faulty wiring
- Ground fault
- Damaged outlets
When viewing the fuses on a panel, clear visual indicators that a fuse has blown is if the glass is discolored or if the metal is melted. Should an electrician find a blown fuse, they will simply replace the blown fuse with a new one. They will also identify what caused the fuse to blow and make the necessary adjustments to help ensure that the problem does not recur.
Tripped Circuit Breaker
As mentioned earlier, many homes have had the traditional fuse panels replaced with modern circuit breakers. That means that actual fuses are not employed for electricity in these homes. The issue of too much electrical current can still have the same result with a circuit breaker as it does with a fuse panel. Namely, you can wind up with an outlet that is not working. This is because your circuit breaker has a protective measure in place to prevent the circuits from overheating. When there is too much electrical current at once, the circuit breaker shuts off power to the outlet in order to prevent overheating and damage. This protective measure has saved many homes from the danger of encountering an electrical fire.
If an electrical outlet is not working and your home has a circuit breaker, it is a good idea to check the breaker first. An electrician will check your breaker to see if it is reading as being between the “on” and “off” positions. If so, they will flip the switch to the “off” position before resetting the breaker. If a tripped breaker turns out to be the issue, a reset should restore power to the outlet. You will then likely be given advice on how to avoid tripping the circuit in the future, such as not running high-powered appliances like hair dryers and vacuum cleaners in an outlet that is already providing power to another device.
Faulty Outlet
Just like any electrical device, an outlet is not immune to simply being faulty. If your electrician investigates all other potential reasons why your outlet is failing without identifying the culprit, they will likely come to this conclusion. Should this be the case, it is then a matter of them replacing the problematic outlet. The first step that will likely be taken when replacing the outlet will be to shut off your breaker. From there, they will then remove the outlet cover, disconnect the wiring, and install a replacement outlet.
Tripped GFCI Outlet
A GFCI is a ground-fault circuit interrupter outlet, and it acts as a safety device to prevent electrical shock or fire. Ground faults can happen when electricity does not travel the appropriate path between a grounded surface and a power source. This can be due to equipment that is being operated in a wet area, a damaged cord, or a tool that is faulty. A GFCI outlet monitors the electrical input, and when there is a ground fault, it automatically shuts off.
Oftentimes, homeowners may not understand what a GFCI outlet is or that it is the kind of outlet they have installed in their home. You can identify a GFCI outlet by the two buttons on it that read “TEST” and “RESET.” They are most often installed in areas of the home that are likely to get damp, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
It is understandable that an outlet can be mistaken for not working when it is simply this safety device doing its job correctly. If your outlet is not working and it turns out to be a GFCI safety device, simply press down on the “RESET” button, and the outlet should work properly again. If not, contact your electrician for help.
Faulty Wiring or Loose Connection
An outlet that is not working can commonly be attributed to a loose connection or faulty wiring. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including the age of the wiring, wear and tear, or even a poor installation. Wiring issues need to be addressed quickly, as they can be a major fire hazard. A licensed electrician can remove the output panel and take a look at the wiring to determine if the problem with your outlet is rooted in a wiring or connection issue.
Half-Hot Outlet
If you have recently moved into a home and are not completely familiar with how all of your outlets work, you may be surprised to find that what you think is a faulty outlet turns out to be a half-hot one. What this means is that the outlet is stacked with one level that is set to always be on while the other level can be turned off by means of a wall switch. If you are fairly new to your home and it turns out that in an outlet, one plug works while the other does not, look for a wall switch in the room, turn it on, and see if this fixes the issue. If it does not, then the problem is likely one of the other ones on this list.
Worn-Out Slots
The metal contact points in the slots of your outlets are capable of wearing out over time. Should this happen, it can become more difficult to keep an appliance plugged into the outlet without the plug falling out. This can result in a higher degree of heat and electrical resistance. Further problems can arise, like a tripped breaker, crackling sounds, and the potential for electrical shock or fire. A trusted professional can install a replacement and make your outlet sufficiently grip the prongs as intended.
Your Anoka Electrical Outlet Experts
If you are in Anoka, MN or the surrounding area, and are having issues with an outlet of yours not working, Liberty Comfort Systems is here to help. We are the leading company that homeowners in the Anoka area look to for all of their electrical services. It is with great pride that we provide the community with the utmost in quality and reliability while being a family-owned and operated business. Our highly skilled electricians are award-winning and can help with nearly any electrical issue under the sun. Our services do not stop there either, as Liberty Comfort Systems also provides our customers with cooling, heating, basement finishing, and plumbing services as well.
Give Liberty Comfort Systems a call for any of your home service needs.